Senin, 26 April 2010

PC | R.U.S.E. pushed to late September

PC | R.U.S.E. pushed to late September

World War II real-time strategy game bumped back several months as Ubisoft incorporates feedback from public beta.

Recent months have shown that release dates for Ubisoft's deceit-driven real-time strategy game R.U.S.E. are not to be trusted. In January the game was pushed out of its original first quarter release window, and today, the publisher confirmed it would not be making its expected June launch date, either.

A new post on the official R.U.S.E. Facebook page states that the game has been postponed yet again; this time to late September. Ubisoft said it needs the extra time in order to incorporate more feedback from the recently concluded public beta session into the final product. Specific parts of the game being changed according to feedback include the multiplayer menus and matchmaking filters, pathfinding and AI behavior, and general game balance.

R.U.S.E. is in development for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC at Eugen Systems, the France-based developer of Atari's Act of War series. The game encourages players to resort to deception, using special cards to fool players with nonexistent units, make weak units look strong, and vice versa.

For more on R.U.S.E., check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

RUSE Exclusive Trailer


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